June 30, 2004

The Internship

I'm in the middle of my internship at the Butler County Radio Network, which is made up of WBUT, WLER, and WISR. The people there are great and I think it's a really healthy station with a good attitude and atmosphere.

My first few days there were great! I did so much and they were really impressed. The other 3 interns aren't much competition, which I really like! (Who me?! Go fig.) The problem that I'm finding is that driving the 40min to Butler and then driving back here and going straight to work at Titan Radio is really wearing me out. The internship isn't paid (never a good combo w/ today's gas prices) and since I'm only there 8-12 I don't ever get to do anything too exciting. Just writing, writing, writing... It's great for my writing skills, obviously, but it's not really what I wanted to be doing all summer.

I'm going to scale back on my hours and only get 2 credits instead of 4 so that I can focus on my shift here at 89FM and save money on travel and expenses down there. I know it's sorta bad to cut connections like that, but they really like me there so I don't think they'll be too offended. Plus there's 2 recent Westminster grads there and I'm sure they'd hook me up if I needed assistance.

Back to DJing now! I'm sure they'll be more to follow!