November 5, 2004

Too many donuts!!!

Last night I went to Dunkin' Donuts at 1:30am and bought a dozen. I ate about half of what I bought and my stomach hurts now! ...just thought I'd share!

This week in broadcasting has been much like those in the past. The show was really last minute this week, with Julie, Liz, Tandi, and me editing on Thursday afternoon! Luckily we got everything done and we actually had one of our best County Line's of the year! The show had good flow, good pace, good content and there were very few technical errors. Kirstan Gides did an excellent job with County Comments this, week as well. I was very happy. I had my usual radio shifts and stuff. My friend Megan told me that I do a really nice job on the radio. She said she always listens to me but never tells me that she likes listening, so that was a nice compliment! Thanks, Mega!

My career search has been pretty limited as of now. The musical and dance team is taking up all of my time, but that will be over next week so I can focus back on what I need to get done. Julie was applying to Channel One News this week, and that's a place that I had totally overlooked! I always used to watch Channel One during high school and I think it would be a pretty cool place to work. I'll have to look in to it. (Don't worry, Julie, I won't steal your job!)

I found and article on (which isn't the most unbiased site around) called "Why Bush Won and Kerry Lost." It said that most of the country agrees with Bush's traditional beliefs and forgive him for the mistakes that he's made. It also says that the severely slanderous media campaigns against Bush, like Fahrenheit 9/11, made people sympathize with the President and feel negatively against Kerry, even though those attacks weren't exactly produced by him. I feel that those negative ads were the main reason many people voted for Bush. I know that when I watched Fahrenheit 9/11 I was disgusted with how Bush was portrayed. Yes, some of the events were HIGHLY suspicious in the film and did make concerned, but hindsight is 20/20, so I don't think anyone could have done a better job w/ the events of 9/11 than Bush did. That's my 2 cents!