October 23, 2005

Is it really November already?

Weekend TODAY is going very well. I'm actually sitting in the green room right now. The show just ended at 9am so I'm hanging out until 10 or when the director tells us "good night" which is funny to hear at 10 in the morning. I'm manning the green room by myself today, as I do every other Sunday, but it's not hard. Sunday is an easy day.

Some new assigments are coming up and I'm looking forward to getting new experiences with those. The one that I want the most is Late Night w/ Conan O'Brien Ticket Office Coordinator. This person is responsible for all of the ticketed for the show. They have to hand out the standby tickets every morning, check in all of the confirmed guests the afternoon of the show, and manage the other Pages that are working the taping. I think I'm very good for this position because of my strong organization and management skills. I've already been talking a lot with the current Page on the assigment, as well as some Conan staffers. It starts November 7th and lasts for 15 weeks, so it's pretty lengthy, but I'm very excited for it. I'll let you know how it goes!
On Monday afternoon I'm lucky enough to be attending a workshop with Ann Curry of TODAY and Dateline fame. She's going to be talking with the Pages and answering our questions regarding her career and how to make it in the news world. I'm really excited about this opportunity, and am especially excited to see Ann. I'm a big fan!

I'm working the NBC Wheel of Trivia with Kara on Tuesday. It's a PR game where we play the hosts and get visitors to the NBC store to spin the wheel and answer trivia questions on their favorite NBC shows. I'm sure Kara and I will have a blast doing it. Stop in on Tuesday at 10am if you're in the area.

The apartment search is the same. I've looked at another dozen places that just aren't right for me. I actually did see a few places that I liked, though. I'm waiting to hear back on them so I'll let you know about it when I hear something. Thanks to everyone who helped me celebrate my birthday in NYC! Whether it was with a drink, a card, a phone call or email I really appreciated it! Thanks again!