April 5, 2007

Clip Du Jour: Sanjaya!

In all honesty... as much as I tried to fight it, I knew there was no way I was going to be able to write a blog and not write about freakin' Sanjaya at some point. Everyone is writing about how he doesn't deserve to be on American Idol, but the people from VoteForTheWorst.com keep him on week to week. Everyone goes on and on about his hair styles and everything... I don't even have the energy to comment about them at this time, but I can share this.
I found this Sanjaya tribute video that I couldn't restist sharing with everyone. It doesn't really make sense or even look like Sanjaya, but the words are hilarious and it's pretty catchy (you will be singing along after you watch.) So enjoy the clip and you can leave nasty messages for me after.
Sanjaya Anthem