Have you ever sent someone and e-card for a holiday or event? Some of them are pretty lame. I have to admit that I'm guilty of using them from time to time, but it's just so easy! Who has time to go get an actual card from the store... or take the time to write their own thoughts in a personalized email. It's much easier to pick out something that someone else has already written.
Yesterday I got a really funny e-card in my inbox that literally made me laugh out loud! Here's what it said:
It's pretty much the best e-card ever. It comes from the website SomeEcards.com, which is filled with tons of awesomely awkward cards for every occasion. Some of them are really funny, and some are really offensive... which is basically the same as funny. Check out their website and send one to someone you love/hate today! Here are a few of my favorites: