March 18, 2009

Embarrassing Yearbook Photos: Eleventh Grade

Old Navy... Old Nay... Old Navy performance fleece!

Actually, I believe this item was called a Tech Vest. Yes, technology at its finest. The bowl cut is gone, along with my adolescence. The strange thing about looking back on eleventh grade is that I really can't remember anything about it. I remember lots about tenth grade, and senior year, but eleventh grade was apparently very forgettable.

I did get a part in the all-school musical production of Fiddler on the Roof. I was a dancer (no jazz hand jokes) and was one of the few guys selected to perform "the bottle dance" number, where we danced on our knees with wine bottles on our heads that weren't attached to our hats. Still one of the most nerve-wracking things I've done to date.