April 15, 2009

The Internet Has Come A Long Way

This is 100% stolen from LateNightWithJimmyFallon.com but it was too funny/weird/scary not to share. Here's a blurb from their blog from when NBC newsman Tom Brokaw was on Late Night the other day...

Tom Brokaw was on tonight's show, and though he and Jimmy didn't have time to get to this clip on air, it seems only appropriate that it would exist solely in cyberspace. The clip contains footage from both the 1994 and 1995 CES Convention in Las Vegas. Amazing footage of old web sites, old computers and electronics, lots of funny descriptions of what people thought the internet was going to be, nerds dressed up in 80's garb, and cameos by Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt (who later went on to be the CEO of a little company known as Google)...how could this not bring up extreme feelings of nerdstalgia?

I remember first really hearing about the Internet when I was in 7th grade pre-algebra class which would have been about 1995. Our teacher asked us how many of us had the Internet at home and only 4 of 5 kids raised their hands. Man, we've come a long way...