photo courtesy TLC
Jon & Kate Plus 8 returned last night with two new episodes after a brief hiatus. The show was put on hold following the June 22 announcement that Jon and Kate Gosselin were separating after 10 years of marriage. While TLC had said that nearly 50 episodes were in store for the fifth season of the show, production went on break while the family worked out the logistics of their separation--no easy task given the family's 8-year-old twins and 5-year-old sextuplets. Packing them all up every other weekend to go to dad's house simply isn't an option, so the kids will remain in the family's enormous $1.3 million home in Berk's County, PA while Jon and Kate take turns living with them.
In the second new episode last night we got our first glimpse at a post-separation Kate as she took her "first official turn" with the kids. And while we may have expected a whole new format for Jon & Kate Plus 8 (or more like Kate Plus 8 since Jon Gosselin barely had any screen time) the show was filled with the things that made their fans fall in love with the pre-scandal Gosselins in the first place: a unique family going through the everyday events of life. Gone were the product placement-filled outings (like the staged vow renewal in Hawaii) and celebrity cameos (like Chef Emeril Lagasse and the cast of American Chopper) and back were a charmingly frazzled mom with her eight quirky, funny and lovable kids...