December 30, 2010

Men's Style Trends That Should Go Away In 2011

Let me put this out there immediately: I am by no means one of the most stylish guys out there. In fact, my wardrobe basically consists of a few pairs of jeans and like 47 plaid shirts. And while I may not have an innate sense of style, I do have eyeballs, which allow me to see what are -- in my opinion -- the most overdone style trends for men in the last year.

The Bow Tie

Bow ties were the must-have men's accessory of 2010. Arguably brought to the mainstream by Rachel Zoe's assistant Brad Goreski, every event I've been to in the last year has been chock-full of the tough-to-tie neck wear. Guys going for the cute and preppy look may keep a bow tie as their go-to accessory, but even Mr. Goreski himself has put the piece to rest. I hope other trendy men do the same in 2011.


I'll bite, sometimes a man can look quite dashing when opting for this alternative to a belt. A pair can really spruce up a suit, but for the most part I say suspenders are reserved for firefighters and grandpas only. So, unless they are a firefighting grandpa, or have a firefighter/grandpa fetish I suggest that most men stick to the traditional method of pants security.

The Moustache

James Franco may be able to pull one off, but you are no James Franco, brother. An entire month was dedicated to growing out facial hair in the name of charity, but that month has come and gone. And it wasn't just upper lips that were 'stached in 2010, places like Urban Outfitters were overstocked with moustache paraphernalia. Here's to hoping 2011 is the year of the razor.

Plastic Rim Glasses

You may not agree, but I happen to think that just about everybody looks cute in a good pair of thick, plastic glasses... including this jag off (who is also sporting some facial hair art.) Unfortunately, just about everybody realized this fact and now just about everybody owns a pair of these trendy spectacles. They may look good, but the thick rimmed glasses are an oversaturated trend that I'd like to see go in the coming year. Maybe monocles will make a comeback?

I'm sure there will be endless combinations of these trends at everyone's New Year's Eve parties, but hopefully most guys decided to lay these styles to rest in 2011.

Are there any style trends that you're sick of seeing? I'd love to know your thoughts. Leave a comment!