August 13, 2004

The Summer's Slowly Ending

First off- It's August 13th and I'm wearing jeans and a hoodie... WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT PICTURE?! It is Friday the 13th I guess...

In other news... This was a really long week for me, but was filled with activity. I started doing the 4pm news live every afternoon. It took me a few days to get "unrusty" with everything, but things are fine now. News is starting to leave a bad taste in my mouth... we'll have to see how things change once school starts up again and I get even more involved.

I'm a little worried about how things with The County Line are going to go this year. Several people have made commitment changes about what they are willing to do for the show, some helpful, some not so helpful, and it's stressing me out a little bit. I talked to Mr. Weaver the other day about everything and he definitely had some encouraging words. I need to thicken my skin a little bit. I AM excited to have some creative control over the show this year. I feel like we had a really great season last year, and now that we have a really solid base with everything we can show some "artistic freedom," if you will, with some of the segments or pieces. Weaver and I are going to begin shooting a new show open this week! Fun stuff.

I've come to the realization that I have efficiency OCD. It really irks me when I could be doing something faster or more effectively and I'm not. I think that's the reason why I get so frustrated during my radio shift this summer. I know that I could voicetrack my shift in about 45min instead of staying here for 4 hours... I could get a lot more done in those 4 hours if I had more than 3-7 minutes of free time between songs. Working 45min a day won't pay the bills!

That concludes this Friday the 13th edition of Pat's Blog. After work today I'm painting my room. I'm excited! Until next time...