September 15, 2004

My Career Goals

Check it!

Short Term
I'd like to get a job in local radio right out of college. I think I'm going to start applying to places after Winter break. This semester I'm really dedicating myself to my extracurricular activities like dance theater and the musical, but this might be my last chance to do anything like that again. I think working in a market like Pittsburgh, which has an ADI in the low 20s, is very realistic and attainable. There are also several job openings in Youngstown, which is a lower ADI, but definitely reachable as well. I'm not ruling out the possibility of working in TV, but there's not much besides news in this area... until I move.

Long Term
I'm probably going to move out of here as soon as I get the funds and a good job in a larger market. I'm looking to work in DMA/ADI 1 in NYC cos that's always been a place I want to live. I visited Chicago this summer and it was really great, too. I'm not opposed to moving. I actually already know several people living in the NYC area and wouldn't have to be completely on my own if I packed my bags. My dream job would be to work at MTV as a VJ or news reporter. I think it's something that I can work my way into. I'd much rather do entertainment stuff, even entertainment news, rather than be on the 11 o'clock news, y'know? If I could work on a TV show that would be really great, too. Maybe follow in WC alum Tim Kaiser's footsteps? He's produced Seinfeld and Will & Grace... not too shabby. One step at a time, though!