October 7, 2004

John Mayer is everywhere!

Random blog title, but I feel like John Mayer is everywhere, but no where at the same time! He's all over the radio and stuff, but I never see him on TV or anything like that. I guess he's just that good. Not. Anyway...

This week was as busy as the last. I've had musical rehearsal every night, and I've started rehearsals for Dance Team and Dance Theater. Craziness! I think we're going to have a very good County Line this week. Everyone's packages are very solid and hey, they're almost all done earlier than 7pm! Whoo hoo! Last week's show was a train wreck... I'm not really sure what happened. I think it was just the fact that everyone's game was kind of off, so that just added up to one bad show. But hey- our first two shows were fantastic, so I guess we were due for a blooper show! Next week I was supposed to do a story about hybrid cars, but I think I am going to revisit the flood victims that I focused on last month and see how they are doing now a month after the damage. Good people story!

Looking to the future I'm still always up in the air! I went to my cousin's wedding last weekend and EVERYONE in my family was like, "So what are you doing after you graduate?" and my answer was, "You know... I'm not sure yet... but definitely moving." I basically have two plans right now, and I think it's going to be a game time decision as to what I do. I'm either going to stay close and live at home, saving up money to make a big career move, or I'm going to just pack it all up and head to NYC to see where the wind takes me. I think that there's so many things that I could do, especially in broadcasting, that I'm going to have to not be afraid to take some big chances. We'll see how it goes!

In an article titled "Howard Stern's Sirius Move Sends Shock Waves Across Industry" Stern says that his jump to satellite radio, "...marks the death of AM and FM radio, I guarantee it!" That's some pretty "sirius" (awful pun) news for those of us in the radio industry. I know that I personally listen to my CDs and MP3s more than the radio. And if my computer didn't suck I would listen to internet radio a whole lot more. To quote Bob Dylan, "The times they are a-changin'."