October 28, 2004

What a crazy week!

This week in broadcasting has been pretty easy to me, but everything else in my world is CRAZY! I had a little mental breakdown yesterday, oops! I was sitting at musical rehearsal and just ran through all of the things I have to do in the next few days and it made my head start spinning! School work is getting in the way of all my extracurricular stuff and it's getting somewhat hard to balance. Kiss Me, Kate is opening in 2 weeks, so after that is over I will have all of my evenings back. I'm excited for the show, though! The County Line has a little Halloween theme going on this week. It's not like last year's Halloween Special (which nearly killed us all) but it's still going to be fun! I also made a promo for the Lambda Sigma Clothing Drive which is going on this week. It's the second promo that I can add to my senior project. One more to go!

The career search has been nonexistant this week because I've been focusing on everything else. We met with Meg Camaredese from CNN this week and she was really cool. I got her email information so hopefully I can contact her in the future. I also have Bowers and Batulis in the "real world" who might be able to hook me up w/ some job opps in the future. Networking is everything!

I found an article in the Turkish Press (it's good to look at non-US media sources sometimes to see how other cultures view the news) saying Europe's top-selling newspaper, Germany's tabloid daily Bild, endorsed George W. Bush for US president Wednesday, saying he would do a better job fighting terror and not ask Berlin to send troops to Iraq. I think it's interesting that a world power like Germany has people endorsing leaders in another country. Pretty interesting to see just how far the election coverage can reach!