January 27, 2005

The Week with all the Snow

Holy crap! Did we get a ton of snow this week or what? It's also currently 9 degrees outside. What was that about us missing winter this year? Haha!

This week in broadcasting was much better than last. I have my feet back on the ground and am gearing up for the first County Line next week. I worked out the anchoring schedule for the semester, and it should be pretty interesting because we're not paired off, we're going to anchor with everyone throughout the semester. Radio news is going VERY well, partially because Liz Farry is hardcore. All the newscasts have had a lot of sound, and even the new kids are getting the news mentality and updating stories as much as they can. It's only the second week! I need to think of a good package idea for next week's show... any ideas?

My career search has kind of stalled out this week while I worked on more immediate activities. Like I said last week, I got an email saying my resume is sitting on the desk of NBC's Page Program Director... I guess I better turn in that application! I have my hopes high for this new opportunity, but I'm also not going to assume it's a sure thing, because it most definitely is not. 2004 Graduate Sarah Bowers came to talk to my producing class yesterday and she had some really great tips. I think they hit me harder than most of the underclassmen. She said that we shouldn't limit ourselves to just ONE job or position because you need to climb the ladder to be successful. She really wants to be a reporter, but she's a producer/desk assistant now and is working her way up. 2003 grad Melissa Batulis did the exact same thing and now she's a reporter at WENY in New York.
Eileen Hendrickson, my advanced acting professor, has also been talking to me a lot about doing commercial and acting work. She seems to think that I have a good look and good voice quality and has been talking to me a lot about persuing some of those options in the future. I'd definitely like to get into some of that, I just need to figure out how!
I'm really excited for the future, but if one more person asks me "What are you gonna do after graduation?!" I might freak out!

I found an artcle on MSN.com about blogging overkill! Looks like we're not the only ones jumping on the blogging bandwagon, but it's interesting to read how the author feels that blogging may just be a fad! Don't tell Mr. Weaver!!!