February 6, 2005

The Week with the First Show

This week in broadcasting was busy as ever (which is just how I like it!) We were getting ready for the first edition of The County Line. I am producing the first two shows, just like last semester, and then after that I will take on the position of Executive Producer and will also anchor the show every now and then and report as usual. I'm both excited and nervous to anchor. I don't think I'll have any problems handling the work, I just think it will be difficult to step away from being in control behind the scenes to just being talent. Gotta let go at some point!

This week I also reported for the show. I did a new package about the $3 million Townhouse Project that is coming to WC. It wasn't one of my favorite packages, but I think it got the job done. It was also the first real press about the project, as Titan Radio and Westminster's newspaper The Holcad didn't have the stories until the following day. It's fun to be enterprising!

The career search has been limited this week while I was focusing on the show and other class assignments. I applied to the page program at NBC last Friday so I am just waiting to hear back from them. I'm very excited and anxious to find out what they think of my application and if I'll get the chance to head back to NYC for interviews and stuff. Very excited!

I found an article that I can totally relate to this week. The article from IWantMedia.com saying that watching the actual game is only the SECOND most popular part of the Super Bowl. I know that unless the Steelers are playing I really don't care about the game, I just want to see all of the commercials! Looks like half of America feels the same way!