June 29, 2005

Data Entry is my life!

I started my job with CBAS by CDR Associates this week. Here's the office, and the sweet fish mascot named Gil (get it) that greets you at the door!
My main job is data entry of hospital information into a new cataloguing system. On an excitement scale of 1-10 it's about a -3 but at least it's a job! I basically designed the look of the contact pages on my own, and organized them to be the most user-friendly. Then I spent 3 days typing all of the info in. Actually I copy/pasted almost all of it. My ctrl-c and ctrl-v fingers are pretty buff. I'm only temporarily employeed right now... just for a few weeks until I do whatever grunt work they have and finish up the specific tasks that need completed. Unfortunately for me, I finished the massive data entry project in 2.5 days, instead of 2.5 weeks. Is that bad or good?! So right now I've been redesigning their logo and public materials to make them more cohesive and attractive. Sometimes I forget that I almost went to school for graphic design! Don't worry though, my heart belongs to broadcasting.

Speaking of broadcasting, I'm going to call back NBC on after the 4th to see if they need me yet. Regardless of when I start I will be moving with Bob to New York in August. Probably around the 15th (just guessing.) I'm basically trying to get my financial stuff sorted and budgeted out so I have some plan of attack (or retreat) once I move. Gotta start saving now! You all can expect a massive going away party when the time comes. There will be kegs, haha!

In social news, I got to catch up with Tandi Lane and Sarah Bowers yesterday evening. We had a great dinner down in Station Square and just caught up with each other's lives. I hadn't seen Tandi since graduation, and Bowers since Winter, so it was a great time! Of course we talked about broadcasting and getting better jobs and things like that. Bowers put it best. She said "I'm so glad to talk with other broadcasters! I can tell a story and not have you ask, "What's a VO?!" It's good to be around "your kind" every once in a while!