August 26, 2005

Apparently I am a Very Important Person... kinda

I'm back in New York again after a short visit home. Grandma Em passed away last Saturday so I had to go home for a few days. It was a sad few days, but great, too. I think we laughed just as much as we cried, so that was a nice feeling. It was good to see all of my family, too! I found out that a lot of my extended family reads my blog! Thanks for keeping up with me

NBC is going great! I unfortunately did not get the assignment with Weekend Today, but that's no big deal. I'm still a pretty new guy in the program, so the position went to someone with more seniority. I'm ok with that because many other chances for that assignment and others will come in the future. Some good news, though... I found out today that I am a new VIP Tour Guide! That means that in addition to giving the regular tours I will soon give VIP tours as well! VIP tours cost $1,000 to take (yikes!) and last 2 hours. Beside going to the regular studios we also take a look at the Today show, Conan props, SNL backstage and many other areas that the general public doesn't get to see. (I get an extra $25 per tour, too! whoo hoo!) SNL assignments are coming up in September, but I don't think I'm eligible for those! Bummer... but they'll open up again in December, so I think I can wait!

The apartment search sucks... let's face it! But not to worry... I'm going to stay in my current place until the beginning of October and keep looking for a place in the meantime. Not sure about the roommate situation just yet, but of couse I'll keep you posted! I had my first party last Friday with some people from work. It was an experience, let me tell you! Fitting 15 people into my hole of a home was fun!

Some shout outs are in order. This week goes to Luke, Corey, and Miss Sophia for sending me a really nice card and a crisp $1.00 bill! (I've noticed that if I write on my blog about people sending me a dollar I get another one a few weeks later... bwahaha!) I appreciate everyone's cards and comments! I have them all posted on my bedroom wall!