September 5, 2005

Live from New York?

Things are going great in the Big Apple! I haven't updated in a while, but there hasn't been much to report. I'm still touring 6 days a week (Ya, that's right...) and I'm still in the process of learning how to give VIP tours. I haven't given any yet, but I'm sure some are on the way!

Last Friday I applied for several positions for the upcoming seasons of Saturday Night Live! I'm still very low on the totem pole, but hopefully some good luck will come my way! The positions I applied for were:
  • Desk, where I'd work at SNL all week including Saturday and assist in every part of the show process where they need me.
  • Escort, where I'd run the celebs and cast members around on Saturday to get them from hair, makeup, etc
  • and Key, which is one of the people that coordinates the audience seating and hangs out in the background while the show is taking place.
Any of them would be great, but the desk is what I really want! The good news is that the position only lasts until December, so they'll open up again in January and I'll get a second shot! Keep your fingers crossed!

No celeb sightings this week, but I am working Late Night w/ Conan O'Brien tomorrow, so hopefully I'll have something good to report! I have 2 shout outs this week. Crystal Schumacher sent me a really nice card and a crisp one dollar bill! Hope things are going well in Tampa, buddy! The second shout out goes to my Grandma. She goes to my cousin's house once a week so she can get online to read my blog! Love you, Gram!