November 14, 2005

Picture this...

It's 6am and I'm standing in the plaza outside the TODAY show... Cyndi Lauper is doing a soundcheck as the sun is coming up between the buildings. Again I must admit, my job is pretty cool.

Weekend TODAY is going great, but I am definitely ready for it to be over! Waking up at 5am on the weekends is not a fun way to live. I look forward to returning to normal people schedule soon. The good thing about it is that I get to make a demo tape on the TODAY set. So I'll get to sit right where Ann Curry delivers the news and make my own tape to add on to my resume. Pretty cool...

My new assignment as Conan TOC is going pretty all right, too. Things were a little rough last week while I was training. Conan's wife had her baby on Wednesday and the show was cancelled, then Thursday my big boss was sick so the Jeanette, my predicessor, had to fill in for her, leaving me all alone. Luckily nothing crazy happened. Friday was a completely different story though. We had 3 really big guests and sooooo many people on the VIP list that a bunch of confirmed ticket holders were turned away. They weren't too happy about that! It brought me back to my old days at Iggle Video when people would scream at me over their late fees... good times.

Not much else to report, but I've seen about 8000 celebs this week.
Here's a recap: Cyndi Lauper, Jennifer Anison, 50 Cent, Robert Downey Jr, Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter, Allison Krauss, Keira Knightly, Nicole Richie and Green Day.