November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm writing this post from work because 1) I had to work today and 2) my computer is dead. So if you haven't seen me online in a month, that's why. But I'm still alive!

I'm definitely on Conan tonight, so you should probably watch. During the opening bit Mark Pender comes into the audience and I am clearly visible in the back. I'm wearing a blue blazer and yellow t-shirt. Also, Al Franken will run into the audience during the credits and he comes up and high fives me!!! It was a fun show, even if I did have to work on Thanksgiving.

Now I'm off to watch some TV and then out to dinner w/ some of my Page friends who also didn't get to come home for the holiday. *cue sad music*

Happy Thanksgiving!