March 3, 2006

March comes in like a lion

The weather in New York has been pretty wild these past few weeks. Some days have been unseasonably warm with temperatures in the high 40s, and today was in the low 20s and really windy. I guess you can never predict how to dress around this town. Luckily, the Pages are resourceful and we took advantage of the cold weather. On Tuesday we all went ice skating on the Rockefeller Center rink after work. It was a pretty ridiculous time but so much fun! Believe it or not, it was my first time skating there. I'm not in the photo (because I took it) but it's pretty picturesque, right?

NBC is going well. My reign as Late Night TOC has come to and end, unfortunately. Today was actually my last day there. I have been training my replacement all week, so on Monday I'm back in the blues. (UPDATE: Here's a pic of me and Lisa, the audience coordinator.) I've been doing some planning to figure out my future in the program. I'm almost 8 months in (can you believe it?!) which means I only have 4 months left. There's actually only 1 or 2 more assignments left that I am interested in, so looks like I will have to start the job hunt again.

I did get a new mini-assignment though! I am now a talent escort for Saturday Night Live! That means I will work every new show for the rest of the season. I will be escorting VIP guests upstairs to the studio or dressing rooms before the show, then after the show I head to the after party to help with seating and things like that. Pretty cool, right?

Check back for new updates in the future.