February 12, 2006

Blizzard 2006!

All of that lack of snow this winter was made up in the last 36 hours! New York City got dumped on this weekend with over 22 inches of snow. It finally stopped snowing around 5 o'clock this afternoon, and the streets are now cleared, too. Luckily I didn't have to work today so I just stayed indoors and watched some TV.

I have an actual home to watch TV in now. I moved into my new apartment on February 1st and I LOVE IT. It's clean, nice, spacious and actually feels like home. I'm excited to actually move some things in and decorate and know that I won't have to move out in 3 months. It's a little different from the last places I've lived, and kinda feels like a hotel, but it's nice.

Here's some more photos!

Work is going well. My assignment with Late Night has come to an end. I'm training the next TOC in two weeks to take over. The next assignment that I am going for is with The Agency, which is the department that makes all of the promos for the NBC shows done in New York. It's very exciting and hands-on which is something that I need right now. I'll let you know how it goes.

Other than that, there's not much else to report. I guess there's nothing really exciting going on... but I'll post when I have something worth writing about.