May 23, 2006

A Lot of Endings

It's been a while since I updated last. That's mostly because I've been pretty busy at work, but what else is new? My assignment in News Media ended two weeks ago. I had a really great time helping with publicity and it definitely piqued my interest in PR. Not only did I have fun, but I learned a lot and gained some great contacts and references for the future.

NBC had their 2006 Upfronts at Radio City Music Hall a few weeks ago. Us Pages got to help out w/ the wrangling and seating of the audience. A few of us were also lucky enough to work the green room where all of the talent waited before going on stage. It was great to see all of the present and future NBC stars all in one place. Everyone from news talent to sitcoms and drama stars were waiting down in the room. The stage manager asked us to go get the talent and bring them to the staging area, so that was also really fun! I got to escort Matthew Perry, Amanda Peet and the rest of the cast of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Not bad! It was exciting to be a part of NBC's new season.

;">Last weekend was the season finale of Saturday Night Live. Kevin Spacey was the guest host and Nelly Furtado was musical guest. It was a pretty good show, but also sad. It wasn't until the show ended that I realized I had been a part of something truly amazing. It's very cool to think that in 30 years or so I can say that I was in the studio for an entire season of SNL. I think as Pages we're a little decensotized from celebrities and TV after a few weeks in the building, but every time I tell someone outside of the program about my job they're always so excited for me. It's cool. I can't complain. Several Pages, as well as me and the other SNL Pages, got to work the finale after party on the Rockefeller Center skating rink. I can't describe the feeling of being surrounded by so many talented and important people. Not only that, but realizing that we were dancing to really loud party music at 3am outside in the middle of New York City. It's been a good year...

Unfortunately my year is coming to an end. My official last day is July 15, 2006. The bad news is that I cannot do anymore assignments because I don't have enough time left in the program. Basically that leaves me back on the job hunt. Funny how I was doing this whole thing exactly one year ago today. The great thing about having done the Page Program is that a year ago I was looking for jobs at local TV and radio stations in Pittsburgh, and now I'm looking for jobs at major networks and companies. It was a nice way to up the ante. Coming out of Westminster I would never have the resume or confidence to walk into a place like NBC or MTV and interview for a job. Now I feel like I have the knowledge and ability to take on almost any challenge. It was definitely worth it.

On the job front, I've interviewed at MTV and I'm waiting to hear back. My potential boss said that she really wants to get me back in for a second interview, but she's busy with the Movie Awards until June 5th. After that I'm going back in and talking with her boss. Sounds like a plan. I also interviewed at The Dowd Agency, which is a private PR firm that reps Mark Burnett, Yahoo! and several other big-name clients. The interview went really well, and I'm headed back in the second week of June to talk about how I can fit into the company. Things are looking good.

I'll keep you posted!