May 5, 2006

Cinco de Mayo!

It's almost 80 degrees in the city today. Perfect for some Cinco de Mayo celebrations after work. Can't really beat that. The bad part about that is that I'm stuck behind a desk for the majority of the day. The good part is that I only have one more week at News Media before I'm back to a (somewhat) normal schedule. I really have learned so much as this assignment and it has definitely piqued my interested towards publicity and PR.

I haven't heard back from MTV just yet, but they told me it would take a few weeks. Probably around mid-May so I still have some time. I found out that I didn't get the PA job at VH1 News because they hired someone internally. That makes a lot of sense, so I'm not upset. It was definitely nice to get an actual "yes" or "no" instead of nothing at all. I've had a few other leads here and there, but nothing too serious. Of course I'll keep you updated when I find things out.

If I can't find a job here in the States it looks like I could always find work in Brazil! Just kidding, but funny story! A few months ago I gave a tour to a crew from a Brazillian TV show who were filming NBC and the tour for a tourism video about New York. The host of the show interviewed me and a fellow Page, and came on the tour and video taped it. We finally got sent a copy of the video and it's pretty ridiculous. It might be kinda boring if you can't speak Portuguese, but my part is still in English, just voice-overed! For some reason I can't post the video so email me if you'd like to see it. It's pretty ridiculous.

The next three weeks are going to be very busy at work. The NBC upfronts are coming up. That's where the network debuts all of their new shows and specials and advertisers, executives and talent come to check it all out. It's a big media frenzy and I'm very excited about seeing it first hand. Saturday Night Live is back for the last three shows of the season. Tomorrow's show is hosted by Tom Hanks with musical guest Red Hot Chili Peppers. I couldn't be more excited about both! My job is fairly awesome.

I was lucky enough to head home last weekend to see the family and my friends at Westminster. It was a short trip (just the weekend) but I got to see everyone who I really care about. We had a cookout at my aunt's house and then I headed back to WC to party with everyone. Although Theta Chi didn't win Sing & Swing for the 7th year in a row (sorry, guys) everyone did a really good job and I was very proud. I was really happy to see everyone. Here are some pix from the cookout:
UPDATE: There has been word going around that the cake pictured below has been altered from its original state. This picture clearly shows that the cake was to welcome Patrick home and no one else. It's obvious by the photo.