August 21, 2006

So Many Weddings

There's not too much going on in my broadcasting world at the moment. The new job is starting to wear me down a little bit. The hours are a lot more intense than what I had originally thought. I'm gaining some good experience, but I'm also learning that it's not exactly where I want to be at the moment. I've been following through with some other opportunities that I was following before I got this job. I'll let you know what's up as soon as I know anything!

Apparently it is time for all of my friends to get married. At least that is what I gather from the past two weekends. Last weekend my good friends Brian and Steph were married in Hershey, PA... the land of chocolate (the air smelled like chocolate, people. It was amazing.) I was fortunate enough to be asked to be a groomsman in the ceremony and I had a great time. The wedding was beautiful and everyone had a blast!

This past weekend I was back in PA, this time at Westminster for one of my best friends wedding! Danielle and (Matt) Slacker got married at Wallace Memorial Chapel. The new Slackers asked me to do a reading during the ceremony (which I was really nervous about) but they said I did a good job. Phew. The wedding was very intimate, including their family and close friends (most of which were my close friends, too... which was really nice!) Again, everyone had an awesome time. So great to see everyone!

I had mentioned to several family members that Carolyn and I really needed a "big plant" for our apartment to finish it off. We were having the hardest time finding a tree or plant that wasn't over $100 so things were looking bleek. Always trying to be helpful, my Mom, Dad, and brother tried to hook me up witih this mail-order "lucky bean tree." No exactly the tree we were looking for, but I do have to say that it's almost doubled in size since I got it! Pretty lucky so far.

Luckily for us though, a few weeks later the bodega gods smiled on us and we managed to find a giant palm thing for only $25 on the street! Here is the majesty that is our cheap tree. It's probably infested with deadly beetles from Mexico or something, but for right now it looks great!

So as you can see, my life is uncontrollably exciting right now. Other people's weddings and cheap foliage. This city never sleeps!

Here are some additional wedding photos. Maybe I should become a wedding photographer instead?