January 5, 2007

The Blog is Back in '07

Happy New Year, everyone! It's been quite some time since my last blog entry and I have no excuse other than I'm lazy... but isn't that was the holidays are all about? I'm finally back at work after a glorioius two-week hiatus and had to hit the ground running. Unfortunately, the world doesn't stop spinning when we go on a break, so I had a lot to come back to upon return. Who'd a'thunk?

Over the holidays I had a chance to head back to the 'burgh for a week to visit friends and family. Unlike Thanksgiving break I was thoroughly entertained for my whole stay. It was nice to get out of the hustle and bustle of NYC for a week, although it did take me a few days to calm down. In case you care, I'd like to give you a photo narration of my time at home.

My mom picked me up at the airport and (after waiting like 30min for my bags... Pittsburgh Int'l sucks at baggage claim.) we headed back to the 'berry. Upon entering my home I had this frightening painting staring me in the face:

Oh ya, that's the boys of "Good Fellas." Someone jokingly bought that for my Dad for Christmas and he was very excited to display it in our entryway. I'm assuming it's been disposed of at this point (or at least I hope so.)

Not to be outdone, my Mom soon produced this lovely new item she picked up for the holidays:

It's a Swarovski crystal encrusted, tin Pittsburgh Steelers purse. I ask, "What has happened to them since the last time I was home?" Haha... gotta love the family!

Of course we made the requisite 500 trips to New Castle to visit all the extended family members, and it was great to see everyone! I think the highlight of the holiday would have to be my cousins and I paying my brother to eat all the disgusting, leftover chocolates that were half-eaten by the rest of us. Way to make five bucks, Drew. And speaking of eating, my cousin Erin (the princess... barf) is currently eating for two! She's about 5 months pregnant now. As you can see by her shirt she did NOT infact let herself go. There's someone else in there, too.

Great times at home, but glad to be back in the city (for now) and staying busy at work (but not too busy to write this blog!) I'm sure there will be some better updates in the near future, but for now you can entertain yourselves with some additional holiday photos. Enjoy!