February 18, 2007

Celebrities Gone Wild

We all know that celebrities often go to extremes in order to drum up press or publicity, but it seems like everyone's going a little bit over the edge recently. Case in point, Britney "I'm one meltdown away from being Anna Nicole" Spears. Everyone is commenting on her behavior. I've witnessed everyone from a young man asking his in-laws if they heard about it to the cashier at McDonalds reading the cover of the New York Post.

photo from x17online.com
Poor Britney has been through a lot lately, but she's really gone over the edge this time. At the end of last year Britney emerged from married life with a new, short hairdo, news of her divorce from K-Fed and everyone was genuinely excited to get the "old Britney" back. Unfortunately, a few weeks later she had some ratty hair extensions in and was hanging out with Paris Hilton and it was all over. A few underwear-less photos later and Britney was on the verge of ruining her image. (Let's remember that she does have two little boys at home... or somewhere. Who knows who's taking care of them.)

Now Britney has either decided to start fresh with a new, bald head or she's gone completely off the deep end. Honestly, I think there's about a 50/50 chance on either option. I can't fault Britney for wanting a clean slate. I understand! I shaved my head before I moved to NYC. It felt good to drop the old weight before a big change. Then again- I'm a 24-year-old guy and not a wacked out mother of two. It's a funny state in the world when the lead story on CNN.com and MSNBC.com are about a lady who shaved her head. That's really the biggest story out there?

In all seriousness, I really hope that Britney can make a turnaround, just to prove to everyone that she is just having a rough patch and isn't actually an unstable crazy person. Maybe she should go to rehab for more than an alleged 24 hours just like all the other celebs who have rough patches. It worked for Lindsay Lohan and Isaiah Washington (what was he getting rehabilitated from exactly?) so maybe she should really give it a try. The world will just have to wait to see who can trump Britney on this one. Stay tuned!