February 18, 2007

What a Weekend

It was a fun weekend around Apt. 1M and no one even had to shave their head! Saturday was my pal Shira's 23rd birthday (she's such a young'n!) so Carolyn, her boyfriend Alan, our friend Kelly and I headed downtown to meet them out. We met the crew at a karaoke bar called 2nd on 2nd for some tunes and drinks. Nothing gets and evening started like listening to drunk people sing horrible 80s songs in the wrong key! Please allow my photo skills to narrate the rest of the evening:

We decided to take the subway downtown, but unfortunately after 20min of waiting they made an announcement that no more downtown trains were coming tonight... that sucked.

We ended up having to take a cab, but it was a long trip so we made our own fun to kill time.

Eventually we made it to the bar and greeted the birthday girl!

Kelly was there, too, but she always has red eyes.

After a few songs we decided to head on to the next bar and visit Carolyn's friend, Becky

They were having a Jagermeister party and Kelly was really thrilled about her free lei. Not.

We had a great time at the party, but decided to head home around 3am. We were really tired.

A fun night!

If you think Saturday was fun, wait until you hear about Sunday! We got a new coffee table! *holds while readers calm down from the amazing news* It's a beautiful (and expensive) table that Carolyn's boss donated to our awesome apartment. Unfortunately the original design was just too big for our limited space we had to make a few adjustments, but it looks great in the space!

I would also like to point out what a transformation our apartment has undergone since we moved in one year ago!

We're awesome.