July 16, 2007

the Outting of a Nerd

I have recently come up with a new segment (is it a segment if it's on a blog? Topic? Discuss.) for my blog after several embarrassing IMs and emails with coworkers and friends. It will forever be known as Outting a Nerd. The idea hadn't crossed my mind until an embarrassing email was sent to me by a coworker. She quickly sent me a follow-up saying, "If this makes it to your blog, a la you outing Rob as a Transformers freak, I may or may not kill you." Unfortunately for her, I am willing to sacrifice my own life for the sake of my reader's entertainment.

Now, I will say that this person, whose identity will be concealed using the codename "Deanette Juffy," did attempt to out me as a nerd by assuming that I would interested in attending a very dorky event with her. Well played, my friend... but no dice.

Please take a look at this email that I received after declining a request to go see the cast of Hairspray the Musical the Movie on NBC's TODAY. Also note the comment regarding my roommate's decision to not attend the premiere of this film:

"Firstly, [the fact that your roommate] doesn't want to use her tickets to
Hairspray is the same as saying she has the purest of oxygen but won't breathe.
Absurd... Hairspray has been my reason to live for about 2 months now. I have not deleted the episode of them when they were on Oprah off of my DVR and watch it when i am feeling low. The first five minutes of the episode are pre-empted by Sam Champion telling the tri state area about immenent thunderstorms. Everytime I watch I yell DAMN YOU SAM for prevenging me from seeing the first five minutes of their musical number."

Deanette Juffy- You are a nerd. Welcome to the club. Hairspray opens up in theaters on July 20th.