October 1, 2008

Abercrombie Wants Little Boys to be Manwhores

It's common knowledge that Abercrombie & Fitch is well-known for using salacious and scandalous imagery in their ad campaigns. Some of their past ads were even banned in certain malls for being too sexual. While using some sex to sell a product isn't a new tactic, I'm a little concerned with the age-appropriateness of some of Abercrombie's latest kids fashions. Please take a look at these new shirts designed for boys 10-16.

I'll admit, this one's kinda cute. Sorta.

Ok... A little mature for a 10-year-old, but not too bad

Your tween is now picking up women at a bar? You must be proud.

So, that 10-year-old just had sex with YOUR MOM?! KICK HIS ASS!

I mean, maybe I'm just old... but aren't these a tad bit much? Kids and their rap musics and the MTVs...