September 30, 2008

Eagle Eye

The Shia LaBeouf film Eagle Eye took the top spot at the box office this past weekend, and I was able to check it out on Sunday afternoon in IMAX. I had been waiting to see the movie for quite some time, so I was even more happy to watch it on an almost-too-big screen at the AMC theater Lincoln Square.

Eagle Eye was an exciting action flick that kept my attention the entire way through. Without giving too much away, I'll say that it's like a combination of a government conspiracy film mixed with a historic thriller like National Treasure with a dash of the Matrix/sci-fi added in. The action scenes were intense, the suspense was gripping and the acting was actually pretty good. There were a few groanable moments, but overall I had a really fun time.

Shia LaBeouf, who seems to always walk the line between likable and loathsome for me, was totally likable as his role underachiever Jerry Shaw, and Michele Monaghan had just the right amount of vulnerability and strength to carry her role as the troubled single mom. Billy Bob Thornton was cool as the FBI investigator, and Rosario Dawson was pretty good, although her character was completely unnecessary to the plot. I mean... I guess she was actual crucial, but you'll have to see the movie to find out why.

The one problem that I did have with the movie, and I guess it's the biggest problem, was the actual identity of Eagle Eye itself. Again, I don't want to give too much away if you haven't seen the film, but I was expecting something a little less... unexpected. Still though, it was a cool, slick action flick. I can't even imagine the amount of cars they crashed in the first chase scene alone, and the resulting number of people who had seizures because of its quick-paced editing. Anyway... go see it.

Did you see Eagle Eye? What did you think?

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