April 27, 2009

Pet Peeve: Child Authors

Kids who write books are such d-bags. OK, not all of them, but most of them. I mean... do you think you're better than me, child author?! Because you're not (you might be.) I doubt you actually wrote a whole book by yourself. I mean, I can barely even read one and I'm 26. You're not fooling anyone.

10-year-old Alec Greven has written three books about "How to Talk to" girls, moms and dads. He's mostly adorable and only moderately annoying.

This other kid is a total d-bag, though. I feel bad saying that about a 14-year-old, but it's true. Jonathan Krohn is known as the "pint-sized pundit" and he is already just the worst type of person.

Turn off CSPAN and go play outside, OK?!