August 26, 2004

Adios, Summer!

Today is my last day of being a summer DJ on Titan Radio. It's bittersweet *single tear* Haha. In all seriousness, working here all summer was a GREAT experience and has really helped me to hone my skills. Several people that I'm not even that close with have told me that they noticed that I had greatly improved over the summer. This coming from people who were gone the entire time. That's defintely a good feeling, because you tend to not notice changes in yourself from day to day. I think I am MUCH more confident in my ability to broadcast. I feel comfortable with my voice, my technique, and my ability to connect with the listeners. Many people are too timid to call in during my shift, but I get comments almost daily from people who want to talk about something they heard me say on air. Kinda cool.

I've also learned that I am a person who needs some sort of reaction from their work. Whenever people call in it always makes me more motivated and more excited for my next talk break. The two remotes we did this summer also boosted my morale and got me excited to be on air. Radio can be difficult because you're never even sure if anyone is actually listening- so feed back is a great thing!

It's not quite hitting me that classes start in a few days. I'm going to need to do a mental shift from summer/paid to fall/learning, which I think might be hard since I never changed locations like everyone else. I need to start buckling down on my senior project and getting The County Line underway.

I found an article on about how the IOC isn't letting Olympic athletes give reports from the games. Seems like a little bit of censorship going on... but the Olympics aren't in the US so I guess the rules don't apply! Here's a snipit:
"The International Olympic Committee is barring competitors, as well as coaches, support personnel and other officials, from writing firsthand accounts for news and other websites... (more)"

I'm going home tonight to prepare for my trip to Columbus to see if I can get famous! Haha. I'm a little nervous about my trip, but my mom is going with me so I'm sure it will be fine. I had to take a head shot and body shot of myself, and I will preform a 30sec monologue in front of talent scouts to see if they like me. It's really intimidating, but I just need to remember my favorite quote:

"People with little failure in their lives are people who aren't taking enough risks."