September 28, 2004

My Week in Broadcasting, ba ba bum!

This week in broadcasting has been pretty good! The County Line meeting went very smoothly and we got a lot accomplished. We had enough content just at the news meeting on Monday to PERFECTLY time out the rundown. That's a good feeling, especially right at the beginning stages of producing.
I am shooting a package tomorrow about the closing of Ralph's Golden Dawn in New Castle. Ralph's is a grocery store that has been open since my grandma was younger than me. She's been shopping their ever since and it's the people like her that will really miss this local shop. I'm going to talk to Ralph and see just what his retirement will mean to the community. I think it will be a good package! Check it on Thursday night at 7:30 on WCN.
It's also an aircheck week for both the Radio DJs and Newscasts, so I'm going to try to have good broadcasts both times. You gotta lead by example, righit?

My career goals are still where they always are- Somewhere in talent/entertainment stuff or in producing. I really live by the motto of "if you want something done right, do it yourself." Sometimes that makes me feel like a control freak, but I'd rather do something exactly how I want it then be disappointed in someone else. But that's where you have to trust your coworkers. I'm going to try to get a part-time job next semester so that will hopefully lead into something bigger once I graduate.

I found an article saying that Conan O'Brien will take over The Tonight Show once Jay Leno retires in 2009. That's a pretty big jump for good ol' Conan! I love his show, but I'm not really sure how moving him to the Tonight Show will make more sense than just moving Late Night up an hour. I guess you gotta go with the reputation of Tonight Show, though. Good job, Conan!