November 19, 2004

Sleep, glorius sleep!

So, the musical is over, thanks to everyone that came to see it! Dance Team also had their first performance at the Blue & White game! Here's some photos:

Now that I have my evenings back to do what I want, I gotta start rolling on my senior project and everything that needs to be wrapped up for my classes. I'll admit- I've been slacking on some of my class work because of my extracurriculars, but now I have more free time.

This week in broadcasting was very typical. We had The County Line on Thursday, which went pretty well! Things were shaky at the begining of the week because we had little content for the show, but magically everything fell together on Thursday. Everything was finished early so it was smoothe sailing! Good job Mike and Shannon!

On the career path... *tumble weed rolls by* Ya, that about sums it up! Musical and Dance team took over my life, but musical's over and Dance team is self-sustaining so that frees up a lot of time. I'm going to fix my resume next week and hopefully put together my radio resume tape as well. The TV tape will come in the following weeks.

I found an article about how the FCC and ABC are still facing off about the Desperate Housewives promo during Monday Night Football. The network is facing major heat after thousands of complaints came in about one of the characters dropping her towel for a football player. It was a bit much, but the whole premise of that TV show is sexually active housewives and their daily doings. I'm sure the ad and controversy gained them new viewers.