November 25, 2004

Tryptophan is the bomb!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I had a nice time engorging myself full of food today at the various relative's houses. It's nice to have a break, but I'm bored already.

This week in broadcasitng was super short for me, being only 2 days long, but I actually got a lot done. There was no County Line this week, obviously, but we're looking pretty good for next week. I want to have one more package done this year. I've had the hybrid cars package up on the board like 4 times this year. Mr. Weaver also suggested visiting a Christmas farm to see how they do things this time of year, or finding a family that cuts down a traditional tree every year. We'll see what pops up.

Looking towards my career, I've been getting more serious about getting all of my stuff together. I took about 2 hours and listened to all my DJ airchecks from this summer and this semester. I put together my best clips into about a 3min segment, and also got all of my production and promos together. I want to have Dr. B and Tandi both listen to it before I finalize everything. Next up is getting my TV resume tape together. That should be interesting!

I had several conversations with different people about what I'm going to do once I graduate, and the general answer is I HAVE NO IDEA!!! I'm starting to get a little freaked out. It's hard because broadcasting jobs, for the most part, need to be filled immediately. So, every day I see all these job listings and everything, and I feel like I'm missing out by not applying, but I honestly couldn't take a job right now. I have another full course load next semester and have a night class and dance theater. My friend Maria gave me some good advice. She said to not worry about finding my first job, because my first job isn't going to be what I end up doing for the rest of my career. *phew*

I didn't find an article this week, but I did find something that was kind of interesting. Target has been advertising these Wake Up promotions where you visit and send your friends, loved ones, or enemies a wake up message from a celebrity or otherwise annoying character. I definitely checked out the website to send some of my ever-so-lucky friends a wakeup message, but the site said they were experiencing a huge amount of bandwith and could not process of the requests. I wonder how many people actually did visit the site and what it will do for Target's Black Friday sales. PS- No one better send me one!