February 25, 2005

The Week When I Was Cranky

This week in broadcasting was run-of-the-mill. Morning show, Radio news on Tuesday and Thursday, County Line Thursday night. I have been cranky all week for an unknown reason, so that affected my broadcasts. It's amazing how your attitude can affect your work! I nearly slept through the noon news on Thursday and I felt really bad because leading by example is very important to me. Luckily Liz is hardcore and we even managed to throw a live in at the last minute. The County Line went all right... miscommunication at the top of the show led to a very large mistake on air, but that was recovered and the show went fairly well after that. The older equipment gave out during sports, too, so Sebas was without audio for about 2 minutes, but again, we recovered. Oh, the beauty of live television! There will be another show next week!

The career search is minimal right now. My sights are still set on the Page Program so I'm just passively looking for other options at this point. Once I have my interview on the 29th I will have a better idea of where my career path is heading and I'll be able to figure everything out. *crosses fingers*

Some personal updates: The Dance Theatre Spring Concert "Every Dance Tells a Story" is coming up in two weeks! The dancers have been working really hard, and I'm very pleased with my piece this year. It's a different style for me, so I hope the audience enjoys it. The show is March 10 & 11 at 8pm and March 12 at 2pm in Orr Auditorium! The weekend after the show I am headed to San Diego with my best friend for spring break! I've never been West of Chicago, so I am very excited to hit the West Coast and see my cousin and his fiancee! Apparently some other Westminster kids will be out there, too so maybe we'll hang out!

I found an article about a topic we talked about in my Programming and Promotions class last semester. The article says "Producers of TV dramas are creating Web-only content that adds story elements and interactivity to keep viewers engaged." Basically the shows are using the web to fill in the blanks from episodes and keep fans interested in the show from week to week. I think it's a great promotion tool and also crosses over between media. Very cool!