February 18, 2005

The Week with all the Good Stuff

This week's top story: The universe was in alignment for me today! I was feeling slightly, let's say, "non-class oriented" this afternoon, so I decided to be productive in the newsroom instead. While I was working on some stuff I saw I had a new voicemail on my phone. It was Stephanie from NBC! I have an interview with the Page Program on March 29th at 11am. Looks like I have some preparation to do! In other news...

This week in broadcasting was pretty great! I got to step away from producing and focus on being an anchor. Liz and I anchored together and I think it went really well. It just goes to show that having a good relationship with your partner makes the newscast that much easier. I think the stories had good flow and I felt pretty comfortable with my delivery on air. I'm going to watch the rebroadcast of the show tonight with my extended family to see how it went! State Rep. Frank LaGrotta was supposed to be our guest on County CloseUp, be he decided to be a no-show without calling anyone to let us know. That was a CRAZY mess during the show, but the viewers had no idea anything was wrong. I will have to say that I'm glad I wasn't producing while this happened! (Sorry, Melissa!)

Immediately following The County Line I ran over to the club room for the Theta Chi Date Auction. I was the MC for the event and it went really well! MCing was really fun, and I got auctioned off at the end for a whopping $270! I'm expensive! All of the money is being donated to the family of Ron Bake, one of our Brothers who was in a bad car accident last semester. He's still in a coma, and the money is going to help his family with medical bills. So far we've collected $3,500 and more donations are still coming in. Ask me for more info if you're interested.

The career search got a lot brighter this week after the call from NBC! That is definitely the front-runner on the career path, but I'm always constantly looking for "back up" plans. Mr. Weaver sent us a TON of links (each in a separate email... Thanks, Weaver!) and I'm keeping and updated list of potential employers.

I found and article about Dan Rather's farewell broadcast. "No sooner will Dan Rather bid viewers a final good night as anchor of the CBS Evening News than he will be back on the air to lead viewers through a retrospective of his 50 years in broadcast journalism. " Read the rest!