May 17, 2005

Officially Unemployed

Again, I put this plea letter out there:

Dear World,
Please give me a job. I'm good for it.
Thank you,

Welcome to the world of unemployment! A place inhabitted by most of my graduating class of 2005. But nothing to worry about... yet. Graduation was great. Like most people, I was a little ticked that we had to be inside the sweltering field house (old people were dropping like flies!) but it was a great day, regardless! My family and friends kept asking me if something was bothering me on graduation day, because I was acting really cold and emotionless. Nothing was wrong, but I think I just didn't know how to feel, so I didn't feel anything! I'm very excited to be a a graduate and enter the "real world" (oh ya, Dr. Rhoad's speech was AWESOME! Take THAT nay-sayers!) but I'm also really sad to say goodbye to my friends at WC. I'm really bad at keeping in touch with people, so I'm going to try really hard to keep up with everyone. Hopefully the blog will help out!

The career search is a monkey on my back right now. It's not even a monkey, it's King Kong, but I told myself that I'm going to take the rest of this week to just relax and adjust to being at home again. I have about 30 opennings bookmarked and ready to go, but I need some time to chill out. I'm a little discouraged at the fact that I didn't make more copies or more varieties of my resume tapes. The good thing is that I copied most of my audio files to my laptopk, so I can just burn CDs when I need them. It's the TV tapes I'm worried about... not too worried, though. I'm honestly applying everywhere, and I don't care if I have to move or if I have to stay in Pittsburgh at live at home. I just want a job. I got a surprising comment from my Dad at graduation. Despite the fact that the phrase, "get a job!" came out of his mouth every other sentence, he told me that he wants me to take some time and find the job that's right for me, not the first one the comes along. I'm going to take that advice, as tempting as it may be to take the first offer.

I have a second interview at NBC on June 8th. It's a panel interview against several other candidates for the position. I have to directly compete against them to prove why I would be the best page. I have to give a 2min presentation (with no audio or video elements, or singing or dancing haha) about why they should pick me for the position. It's a pretty nerve-wracking task, but anyone who knows me knows that I like taking other people down, so I'm sure it will be fun! Mwahaha! I'm going into the city a few days early so that I can apartment shop and explore the city some more. If I get the position I am definitely going to take it. I think I would regret turning it down way more than anything else I could do. Opportunities like that don't come around too often, but like my Dad said, I'm going to looking carefully at the job before I sign anything. One of my Brothers, Bob Allen, was accepted into the Actors Studio in NYC for the fall. He'll be moving to the city in August, so if I am still going to be there, too, we're going to be roommates. I am excited to be able to have a rommate that I know and have already lived with before.

Well, that's all that's going on in my life right now! I'll keep you updated when I find anything out. I hope everyone else keeps updating their blogs because I always read them! Until next time...