May 8, 2005

The Week When I was Finished with College

This week was my last week of classes and finals of my college career. It really hasn't sunk in that I will be leaving this place I've called home for the past four years. Almost all of the underclassmen are gone and I've had to say a lot of goodbyes... some of which have been for good. I'm not too sad right now about leaving, mostly because I still have a week left, but the messages that I've been getting from the underclassmen have really touched me. Surprisingly, most of them have been thank you notes instead of goodbye notes. It's weird for me to think back on what I've done at Westminster and the impact that it has had on my peers. I'm not saying that I've done anything all that spectacular, but it really means a lot to me to hear such words of encouragement from my friends.

Tonight was when the finality of college has start to hit. Normally I would have had a fraternity meeting tonight, something I've done for the past 3 years, but that's all over with. And I'd probably be getting ready for bed right now so I could wake up at 6am for "Pat & Megan in the Morning," but that's over with, too. I started to clean out all of my stuff in my office and realized, "Hey... it's not my office anymore!" Kinda sad. I'm going to miss this place very much.

The career search is scary. That's all I have to say. After my last final tomorrow I'm going to crank out a billion resumes and send them out. Hopefully I'll have a job. OH- I got a call from NBC last Wednesday. I have a second interview for the Page Program on June 8th! I need to prepare a 2min presentation (with no audio or video elements) displaying why I would make an awesome page. I'm pretty anxious about the situation, but then again, I'm pretty excited! Anyone that knows me know that I love a good competition. bwahaha. While I'm in the city (again) I'm going to do some serious apartment hunting. Someone just told me that I'm brave for just packing up and moving and I guess I sorta am. But to go by my life quote, "People who have little failure in their lives are people who aren't taking enough risks."

I know that I don't really have to do this anymore, but I found an article on that I thought was horribly ridiculous. It's called, "Are ugly children less loved?" Read it if you must...