May 2, 2005

The Week when I posted in between Weeks

This week in broadcasting has had a lot of ups and downs. I'm actually sort of combining a few weeks into one post because things have been crazy around here! Like I said before, the First Annual Broadcast Communications Festival went really well. I think we would have had a lot more interaction with the campus had the weather actually been nice for the end of April, but it was fun, nonetheless. I anchored my last County Line ever on Thursday night, and to tell you the truth, it wasn't that sad. I honestly thought I was going to be more nostalgic than I was, but I think the audio problems that ruined the show pretty much kept me from getting too sentimental. I'm sure it will sink in soon! This morning I had another "last"- My last Pat & Megan in the morning. 3 years in the making lead to a really nice goodbye. We had a lot of listeners call in to wish us good luck and to say goodbye. We even had a phone call from GERMANY! (Danke, Amy Sasfai!) Megan cried a lot, which was to be expected (sorry, Meg) and although I didn't shed a tear, I was pretty sad. It's scary to think that I'm finishing up being important in broadcasting and have to go back to being a nothing again... yikes!

The career search is on pause right now because I have a TON of work to do for my classes. 2 things are wrong with that. 1) I'm a senior. 2) I'm a broadcasting major! These papers are going to kill me. I have to admit- it's VERY difficult to write a 10 page paper when all I'm used to writing is 30sec readers. I still have my huge stack of papers for places to apply, and once finals start I'll get sorting throught those. Horray for free time!

I was sent a webpage by '04 grad Amanda Oliveri (congrats on the new job!!!) that has a lot of funny, and also disturbing, video clips from television broadcasts. Some of them are just funny to watch, while others can show you what happens when people cut corners in the newsroom. Check it out here.