June 8, 2005

Back from New York!

Hello, faithful readers! I just got back from New York this evening, and I had a really nice trip. My friend that I was staying with had to work Monday and Tuesday, so I had two full days to just explore the city on my own. I didn't get a chance to see a show, but I did a lot of shopping and just looking around the city and FINALLY getting a strong grasp on the subway! It was SWELTERING this week (which is sure most of you experienced) so walking around all day was kinda rough, but I did get to lay out in Central Park with about 1000 other New Yorkers on Sunday, and on Tuesday I took the NJ Transit to Matawan, NJ to visit the one and only Liz Farry! She took me on my first official trip to the Jershey Shore and it was great! It was also nice to blab with a fellow broadcaster since school let out. I don't think we talked about anything else... *coughHugeLoserscough* Liz interns at NBC so I got to see her this morning just minutes before my interview! It was a nice confidence booster! Thanks, Liz!

The interview was this morning, and I'm feeling good about it. I interviewed with 4 girls and 1 other guy, and 2 of them were no competition... they were nervous and shaky and quiet and just didn't stand out. One of the girls was a big whiny baby, and the other 2 girls were REALLY nice and outgoing. One girl (Michelle) actually went to high school with Sebastian! I made a cool connection! Anyway- We had a four-person panel interviewing us all at the same time. They each asked us all a question and we individually answered. Then they had us do a mini-debate with the 6 of us talking about the future of television and how NBC can stay ahead of the game. It was... interesting? Then we had our 2 minute presentation. I must say, I was not very impressed with the other applicants. 4 of them just handed out their resumes and talked about themselves, and one girl made a peacock, and each feather represented a reason why she should be selected, with her face in the middle. It was very El Ed... Am I a snob?! I think they liked my DVD/CD thing (I know the other applicants were like "AWW MAN!" when they saw it) and hopefully they will take a look at it later. I got cut off because I went longer than 2 min, but so did half of us, so I don't think it will hurt me that much. I'm going to follow up with some thank yous and just wait for a phone call. I only have to wait 2 weeks to hear, so it's gonna be nervewracking, that's for sure. Wish me luck.

***UPDATE*** Someone from NBC called ALL of my references today to check up on me. They also called my past employer to see if I was a noble video worker (I was!) I guess that's a good sign. Melissa said the guy sounded impressed so that's definitely good! At least they didn't throw my stuff in the trash after I left. I'll update more once I find things out!

In other career news, I found out this afternoon that I am not being considered for the position at WENY where Melissa works. I followed up with the News Director there and he let me know that it "wasn't anything against me" but he had some really good applicants and decided to go with one of them. That's not too bad though, because at least it was some feedback. Normally I just feel like I'm sending my tape into limbo and it's going to end up in some big pile of lost mail at the central bureaucracy (that's for all the Futurama fans out there.) I'm gonna take a few days to regroup, then back to sending out package after package!

Here's some pix that I took with my camera phone. They're surprisingly good. Enjoy!

The Empire State Building Empire State Building A view from the top The Statue in Union Square
Fountain Fountain again! Boats off the Jersey Shore