June 18, 2005

Some info from the dictionary...

page (pj) n.
  1. A boy who acted as a knight's attendant as the first stage of training for chivalric knighthood
  2. A youth in ceremonial employment or attendance at court.
  3. One who is employed to run errands, carry messages, or act as a guide in a hotel, theater, or club.
  4. Pat Sandora
So incase you're a little dense, I got a letter today from NBC welcoming me to the Page Program!

I am very excited to finally hear the good news, because I was starting to get really restless and worthless just sitting at home watching TV and eating chips. (It was a tough life, guys.) I have to call them on Monday to see if they need me now. If not, I just have to hang out and call them every month to see when they want me to start. It's a big responsibility, because even though I'm now officially employed by them, it's up to me to find out when they need me. They're not going to call me.

Once I figure out everything and when I start I'll have to work out the logistics. I'm not leaving any time soon, so I'll keep you updated on what's next for me!