July 18, 2005

It's official...

Image hosted by Photobucket.com That dweeb you see to the left is officially a Page at NBC! Spent the last week shadowing tours, learning about the different studios, and reading over my tour manual every night. I took my test this afternoon and passed, meaning that I'm officially a Page! I got my nametag and peacock pin this afternoon and my first tour is tomorrow! I'm really excited. Everyone in my group passed so that was definitely good news. A round of drinks were had in celebration.

The program is really great and I couldn't be more happy to be a part of it. Everyone who works there is very supportive of each other, and even when you're competing for the same position they put up signs and send emails every time someone gets a new assignment. I'm not eligible for assigments just yet, but I'll let you know how that goes in the future. If you ever want a special tour just let me know and I'll hook you up! Haha.

New York City is a great place to live. Granted my apartment is small, and I have to make several trips to several stores to get everything I need (who would have thought I'd miss Wal-mart so much?!) and everything is expensive and it's hot and crowded, but I LOVE IT! There's so many things at my fingertips that I couldn't be more appreciative of this situation I've been given.

I have noticed a few things about NYC. Contrary to popular belief, no one is really that rude at all. I think everyone is just self-focused and has learned to just go out their business as needed. Most people wear big sunglasses and have their iPods permanently attached to their heads, but I think that's all in an effort to stay on task and keep their sanity. In a city of millions of people it's easy to get swallowed up by all the hustle and shining lights. I haven't busted out my mp3 player just yet, but I don't really need it in my 10min walk to work.

Quick shout outs!
  • Shout out to Liz Farry for our rendezvous on the 3rd floor! I never see you in the building!
  • Shout out to Mr. Weaver for sending me my very first piece of mail! Thanks!
  • Shout out to Rich Bailey, Jen Caumo and my former roomie, Tom Moore, for the awesome cards
  • And the shout of of the week goes to Sherri Breitigan for actually sending me a card with $1 inside because I said to send money! You rock and your card was perfect!
So, I hope everything is well back home, because it's going great here! I'll let you know how my first official week goes and keep you up to date on any celeb sitings!