September 30, 2005

Good Thing I'm a Morning Person!

It's a good thing I'm a morning person because I got a new assignment which doesn't allow sleeping in! I'm the new green room Page for Weekend Today! I start tomorrow at 5am, so I'll be waking up at about 3:45! *barf* It's ok, cos the job is awesome. I will be making sure guests arrive to the studio on time, make sure they're to hair, makeup and wardrobe before their segment, and then I will escort them to the studio for their time on air. I'm also responsible for running small errands for the anchors like Campbell Brown and Lester Holt, and making sure their cars are ready to go at the end of the show. I'll be running small errands for everyone... being a gopher at times, but I'm ok with that. It's a great opportunity! The coolest thing about the assignment is that because I have to start so early, I get picked up in a private car each morning and driven to work. I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty sweet.

Besides Weekend Today, I still have my assignment as Orientation and Alumni Coordinator. I have a group of 5 new Pages starting on October 10th, so I have to get ready for that, too. It shouldn't be too hard since I have already done it once, but we'll see when the time comes!

I am SO excited for Saturday Night Live! I was orginally supposed to work the season premiere tomorrow night, but because of my new assignment I got moved. I will get to work next week though, which is going to be crazy! Production started for the season premiere on Monday, and yesterday I got to watch Kanye West rehearse his numbers, and today I saw Steve Carrell and many of the cast members rehearsing as well. Mom and Dad- don't read this next part!!! The thing that I'm most excited about is the after parties! There is an after party after every SNL which is reserved for the cast and crew, but then there is an after-AFTER party which is for all of the cast and crew, plus us hardworking Pages. Those parties don't start until 3am!!!! It's going to be crazy and I seriously can't wait! I promise I won't end up on Page Six, everyone!

The apartment search may be coming to an end! "...and the peasants rejoiced!" I put in an application for a place with one of my coworkers. We'll have an interview next week to see if we're good enough for the place. It's a HUGE apartment for not a lot of money. I'll keep you posted. I'm also looking at other places in the meantime.

Celeb sightings of the week: Martha Stewart, Amanda Bynes, Death Cab for Cutie, The Big Show, Jud Hale, Matt LeBlanc, Kanye West, Steve Carrell, Amy Poehler, Seth Myers, Daryl Hammond, and Rachel Dratch. A lot this week!