January 18, 2006

First update of 2006

Welcome back to the blog, everyone! I haven't updated in a while because of course, I've been busy. Work is going very well. My assignment with Late Night got extended an extra 3 weeks because we are pre-empted because of the Olympic games. That means I'll be doing this assignment for almost 4 months when it's all said and done. Not too bad!

No official news from mtvU just yet. I was starting to get discouraged about it, but I got an email from the casting director yesterday saying that they were finishing up the selection process this week. Hopefully I'll have some good news (or any news, really) to report soon. Wish me luck!

The parental units and brother were in town this weekend. It was my dad's first and brother's second trip to the city. The weather wasn't great, but we still had a good time! They got to see Late Night, Saturday Night Live, and a behind-the-scenes look at our other studios (it's good to have connections!) We also went to Chinatown, Little Italy and toured around Times Square. They also got to see my little apartment for the first time. Tres chic.

I GOT A NEW APARTMENT! I found a really nice place in a high-rise building right by where I live now. I'm moving in w/ my good friend, Carolyn Clark, on February 1st. I'll actually have room for visitors so come visit!

Quick shout out to the members of the Westminster Concert Choir! Thanks for visiting me at work while you were in town. It was great to see you!

Here's some random photos that I took with my new camera. They make great desktop backgrounds!