January 3, 2006

Quick update

I'm back in New York and back to work already. Doesn't even feel like I left (is that a good thing?) I had a really nice time at home seeing my family and some of my friends. I got a sweet digital camera (thanks, Mom and Dad!) As soon as I get my laptop back I'll put some photos up for you.

I'm apartment hunting again, but it's going much easier this time. No one is looking to move in January, so the market is really good. I'm looking at 3 different apartments tonight, and my future roommate, Carolyn, is lining up some others as I type this. I'll keep you updated on that whenever I have some information.

I don't want to jinx myself or give too many details until I know something, but last week I made a trip over to the Viacom building and handed my demo tape to a casting associate at MTV. The position is for an on-air news anchor: aka my dream job. The good thing is that they called and asked me to bring my tape over 30min after I sent in my resume. This could be really good. Wish me luck. I should know something by the end of next week.