March 28, 2006

It's Officially Spring

It's hard to believe that it's almost April already. Where has this year gone?! Crazy stuff. The past few weeks have been fine. I had a quick visit from the one and only Liz Farry a few weeks ago! It was great to see Liz and here about how things are going back at Westminster. I'm planning a trip home the weekend of April 22nd so I can go see Sing & Swing. Look out, WC! I also had a visit from my mom last week! She was in town for business so we had lunch and dinner while she was here. Love you, mom!

The news publicity assignment is going well. I'm working 60+ hours a week, which is leaving me with a big paycheck but I'm pretty tired at the end of the week. This assignment is only 10 weeks long, so I'm almost halfway finished already. Things are fairly quiet right now, but as soon as Katie Couric decides what she is doing after her contract expires I'm sure the phones will be ringing off the hook. I don't know what she's going to do, so don't ask!

I only have until July to stay in the page program, so I'm starting to look for some potential jobs in the area. Of course I'd love to stay at NBC, but I'm also looking elsewhere to see what my options are. As soon as I hear anything. I DID hear from MTVU and unfortunately I didn't get the news anchor position. The good news is that I got some really great feedback from 2 casting directors there, so I know how to improve in the future. I was just glad to hear something back at all, so that definitely made my day.