April 25, 2006

It's job season!

It was just one year ago that I was on the mad search for a job, and here I am again doing the same thing! Luckily for me it's much easier to find a job when you're currently employed. Technically I'm not finished with the Page Program until the 2nd week in July, but once my assignment is up in three weeks I will be giving tours of NBC until the end. Not really a fun option, sorry! So I'm starting to look now.

It's all about who you know in this business. I've made a few contacts through my assignments at NBC, some with supervisors and some with former Pages who are out of the program and employed elsewhere. My roommate Carolyn actually set me up with some awesome opportunities, as well as my supervisor (and former Page) Lauren. The network of Pages is really going to drive a lot of my success in the future. There's a Page alumni list of almost 700 people that have went through the program and are currently employed in the media industry. Some of the people that I currently work with will be running big companies in the future. Pretty cool.

I have interviewed for two jobs so far. The first is at MTV (sweet) for the assistant to the directors of production events. Production events are the Video Music Awards, the Movie Awards, Spring Break events and things like that. Basically my dream job. I guess I never realized how much "events planning" I did in the past. Hello, block parties! The interview went really and I should hear back within the next few weeks. Wish me luck.

The second interview was this morning at VH1 News! It was for a production assistant in the news department. I've always said that I want to work at MTV news so I guess this is the next best thing. The interview went well here, too so I'll let you know!

I'm headed back to the 'burgh and to Westminster this weekend to see the family and to see Sing & Swing! Theta Chi has won the past 6 years (3 under my reign, a'thank you) so I hope they can pull out another! Good luck, guys.

Now, for no reason, here are some cool pictures I took a few weekends ago when the weather was nice. I love my camera.