January 31, 2010

Snooki Returns to 'SNL' for Weekend Update

Everyone's favorite orange guidette was back on Saturday Night Live this week looking an even more beautiful shade of orange than last time. Check out Snickers talking to Seth Myers on Weekend Update.

"We deserve to be compinscated!"

January 30, 2010

Quick Things 01.30.10

Some quick things to occupy your downtime...

January 29, 2010

LOL: Periodic Table of Smellements

This really made me chuckle when I saw it. From my fave demented cartoon site NatalieDee.com, behold the Periodic Table of Smellements!

click to enlarge

I have to admit that my favorite smell is my big huge black permanent marker I have at my desk. I'm sure it's unsafe, but I've lost many a' braincell enjoying its aroma.

What's your favorite smell?

January 28, 2010

Vlog Challenge #6: Board Games

We're back with another Vlog Challenge and boy, it was a good one!

What should we do for our next Vlog Challenge? Leave your suggestions below!

January 27, 2010

Mel Gibson Is a Man on a Mission in 'Edge of Darkness'

Mel Gibson is back and possibly better than ever in his new flick Edge of Darkness. I got to check out a screening of the film and I LOVED it. Just like The Book of Eli it wasn't a film that screamed out to me to be seen, but I'm so happy I got to watch it.

Gibson stars as Boston Detective Thomas Craven, an older, single dad who gets a visit from his 24-year-old daughter Emma (played by Bojana Novakovic) after some time of separation. Emma is gunned down in front of the Craven home in a brutal attack. News outlets and the police assume that Detective Craven was the intended target, but new pieces to an elaborate conspiracy against Craven's daughter keep bubbling to the surface. Craven's sole purpose becomes to find out what was going on with his daughter's secret life and why so many people were trying to cover it up.

The flick had action, thrills and even bits of laughter. Mel Gibson is the man -- THE MAN -- In this movie. His character is a man possessed and will not stop until he gets to the bottom of things. There were moments of white-knuckle suspense and times where the entire theater, including me, burst out into cheers. "Go, Mel, Go!" could be the subtext of the film. I can't say enough about Gibson's performance. He was just awesome.

The real star of the film, though, would have to be Gibson's face. Yes, his face. It was weathered and stoic like a big old tree trunk. His forehead had three deep, deep lines across them. Dissecting those lines were two diagonal wrinkles coming inward from his temples. Connect those lines with the deep lines around his mouth and they formed a weathered X across his face. Gibson's eyes were dead throughout the movie. No emotion, no feelings, no soul. Dead eyes. Whether he was saying things that were vengeful and demented, or cracking a dark-humored joke or two his eyes never flickered nor shined. He was a man on the edge of darkness with nothing to lose. Awesome.

Check out the trailer for Edge of Darkness:

Edge of Darkness opens on on Friday January 29th and you should definitely go see it.

January 26, 2010

The Ru-Mix: I Want It All

Pick yourself up from the winter blues with this really fun pop version of The Ru-Mix!

I Want It All

A purely pop-tacular mix here featuring fresh new turns by Sia and Goldfrapp, a house influenced Róisín Murphy single, and a newly surfaced Madonna / Justin Timberlake collaboration. It's upbeat, it's happy and it's guaranteed to warm up your winter.

Click here to download

Have you liked all of The Ru-Mixes so far? Join the Facebook group!

Plaid Shirts! -- A Montage

I don't know why everyone says that I have too many plaid shirts. I have no idea what they're talking about.

Free time + too many plaid shirts + limited editing skills = stupid videos like this!

January 25, 2010

Put Your Mind at Ease with RainyMood.com

I feel like I say this all the time, but the Internet is awesome. There is a website for anything and everything. I just stumbled across this new site over the weekend and it's definitely going to be one that I frequent often.

Ever find yourself sitting at home thinking, "I wish it was a rainy day so I could just stay under a blanket"? Well, now you can have a rainy day whenever you want. RainyMood.com turns your computer into a gloomy day in a simple and clean display.

Just go to the site for a 30-minute high-quality look of a thunderstorm. When the 30 minutes is over it just reloads and starts again. I used to to take a nap and it was amazingly relaxing. Better yet, you can play your most relaxing iTunes playlist at the same time for even more zen!

Happy lounging.

January 22, 2010

Cool Game: Must Pop Words

Here's another fun game to waste precious minutes (or hours) from your busy workday! Must Pop Words by Bart Bonte is a fast word game where speed is the key.

As the letter bubbles fall you have to make words out of them -- the longer the better. As they stack up it will become increasingly difficult, plus there are some random roadblocks thrown in your way.

Enjoy the game and don't get fired!

January 21, 2010

VLOG: We Love Candy and TV

Carolyn and I may not be vlogging about any current TV shows, but we still like to get together and make videos and watch TV and eat candy... and make videos talking about it. Enjoy!

What's your favorite food to snack on while watching TV?

January 20, 2010

Dad Helps His Daughter Dance Through 2009

Check out this really cute father/daughter video. Inspired by Matt Harding's "Where the Hell is Matt?" video, this father helps his daughter find the courage to dance through the last year. Don't worry, nothing bad happens to her at the end (that's what I was expecting).


[thanks, Carolyn]

January 19, 2010

'Lost' Premiere to Make Fans More Annoying Than Ever

The final season of Lost is set to premiere on Tuesday Feb. 2 on ABC and Lost nerds like me are already foaming at the mouth. Check out this news report from The Onion on why non-Lost fans are going to want to gouge their own eyes out.

Final Season Of 'Lost' Promises To Make Fans More Annoying Than Ever

The Island is PEOPLE!

It Made My Day!

Feeling bad? Having a rough day? Need a pick me up so badly that even a LOLcat can't suffice? Check out It Made My Day! Think of it as the anti-FML site, It Made My Day serves up little moments of WIN from people's day.

For example...
"During the first day of class one of my professors was handing out the course syllabus. Underneath the grading scale there was a quote. "You shall not pass!" -Gandalf the Grey. IMMD."

"My friend’s mother was recently admitted to the hospital for heart troubles. A few hours later, she called my friend to remind him to maintain her FarmVille!

"My mom and I were shopping and we have a game where she throws the toilet paper into the cart. This time, a random stranger screams "GIANTS WIN THE SUPERBOWL!" from out of nowhere.

"I work in an animal clinic, and a man brought in his pet python. It’s name? Lt. Dan. (Because "he ain’t got no legs")

My most recent IMMD would have to be yesterday when I was at the NY Aquarium. We were watching the walrus tank from underneath and this little boy couldn't stop yelling about how the last time he was there the walrus had diarrhea all over the window. His mom was desperately trying to shut him up but the kid couldn't help himself. IMMD!

What made your day?

January 18, 2010

MTV Combines Jackass-ery With Do-Good-ery on 'The Buried Life'

Tonight at 10pm MTV premieres its newest show The Buried Life. A cross between Jackass, Punk'd and that failed Amy Grant show 3 Wishes, the boys of The Buried Life keep karma in check by complementing each stunt they complete with a life-changing action for someone else.

photo from MTV.com

On the show buddies Duncan, Ben, Jonnie and Dave trek across the country in their big purple bus (named Penelope) crossing things off their bucket lists. Everyone has a list of things they want to do before they die, but these friends are actually doing them. They've already completed #53 on their list -- start a TV show.

Some of their things to check off are wild and some are wacky, but the docu-series isn't just about the four friends' wishes. In each episode we'll see the dudes crossing items off their list (like giving a speech at a stranger's wedding) and then re-righting the universe by helping someone else check something off their bucket list (like helping a man connect with his long-lost son.)

I don't think this series could have come at a better time. It sort of combines everything that people want to see on television right now. The guys run around on fun and hilarious adventures (and are much better looking than the Jackass crew) but then also spread good along the way. It's a fun show where people might get embarrassed, but the guys are helping others achieve goals they may have thought were impossible. I'm so happy to see a show that is fun that also has heart (without being a complete cheese-fest like Extreme Home Makeover.)

Check out the trailer for the series that premieres tonight on MTV...

The Buried Life airs Monday nights at 1opm on MTV

January 17, 2010

Sigourney Weaver Joins the Cast of 'Laser Cats 5'

Avatar star Sigourney Weaver was the guest host on Saturday Night Live last night and she brought a moderate amount of funny (although she looked amazing for 60 years old. Did you know she is 60?!). The standout sketch was the SNL Digital Short Laser Cats 5 where Weaver reprised her role as Ripley from Alien. Check it out...

"Believe it or not."

January 14, 2010

Have Faith in 'The Book of Eli'

I recently went to a screening of the new Warner Bros. The Book of Eli. It wasn't a film that would typically be on my radar of ones to watch, but I was excited to preview it because of its enigma and its action scenes.

The film, starring Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman and Mila Kunis, is about a post-apocalyptic world where the remaining humans struggle to survive and rebuild 31 years after "the flash." Those lucky enough to have survived the world's end hold knowledge of "the world before," while those born after the flash lack the skills of reading and writing since most of the world's books were lost.

In the film the mysterious Eli (Washington) slowly and steadily makes his way West, which he calls his duty. Along t he way he makes a stop in a small makeshift town run by Carnegie (Oldman) who spends his time sending out minions in search of books. Not just any books though; He wants a copy of the Bible. Why? Because he believes that the person who holds the power of the Bible is able to control the hearts and minds of the people. Conveniently enough, Eli holds the world's last Bible in his possession and is not to keen on giving it up. I don't want to give anything away, but the story was excellent and the twist in the film was both satisfying and unexpected.

Beyond the actual story line, I really enjoyed the director's use of sound and cinematography. The film's use of dark and light, plus some great camera angles and motion really helped create the feel of the dusty post-apocalyptic earth. And the surround sound was really fun -- It really put me into the action scenes.

Basically The Book of Eli is like a cross between Mad Max, The Matrix and Kill Bill, with a serious dose of religion and spirituality thrown in. It wasn't something I'd normally check out, but I'd definitely recommend it to someone looking for a different type of action/drama.

January 13, 2010

Channing Tatum Shows His Goods to 'Details'

Photos by Norman Jean Roy for Details

Action star Channing Tatum is on the cover of the latest issues of Details magazine. In the issue he gives a... revealing, shall we say?... interview about an injury he received to his bathing suit area while shooting the upcoming film The Eagle of the Ninth.

Here's a brief snippet from the full interview with writer Craig Marks. After viewing a cell phone image of Tatum's accident Marks had this to say, "Channing Tatum's penis is gross. It looks like a hot dog that's been left too long on the grill. The tip is hot-pink, singed, and shriveled. It appears angry. And it's painful to view." What a beautiful picture he painted for us.

Click here to read more from the interview where Tatum talks more about his unfortunate accident, why he's hoping to get a "fat" role in the future and how prescription drugs nearly led him into depression.

FX Gets Animated with 'Archer'

Some big names in comedy are getting the cartoon treatment in FX's new animated series Archer. The series premieres this Thursday Jan. 14 at 10pm.

Archer focuses on the arrogant jackass of a spy Sterling Archer (voiced by H. Jon Benjamin) who somehow manages to come off us lovable and laughable at the same time. He and his other colleagues at ISIS (The International Secret Intelligence Service) spend their days trying to "confuse, undermine, betray and royally screw each other." Not only is the character of Archer funny, it's the supporting cast of characters that get a ton of laughs.

Benjamin is joined by the voice talents of some heavy comedy hitters like Jessica Walter (Arrested Development), Aisha Tyler (The Soup), Chris Parnell (30 Rock, SNL) and Judy Greer (best friend in every movie ever made) and each one brings their own brand of laughs of their animated counterpart. Check out a clip from the series premiere...

Archer airs Thursday nights at 10pm on FX

January 12, 2010

Joshua Blaylock Goes to Hollywood Week on 'American Idol'

Two of my favorite people were on tonight's season 9 premiere of American Idol: former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham and my downstairs neighbor and buddy Josh Blaylock! Check out Josh's tryout during the Boston auditions of Idol...

Josh sang Rascal Flatts' "Bless the Broken Road" and got 4 yeses from the judges. Although Simon Cowell was a little tough on him at first (until he told him to shut up) I think he did a great job, and this is coming from someone who 1- Hates watching people sing and 2- Doesn't like country music at all.

Josh is currently in LA for Hollywood Week and I hope he does great! I have no insider info at all so I'm just gonna keep my fingers crossed for him. Good luck, buddy!

January 11, 2010

Lady Gaga On '944' Magazine's Vanguard Issue

There are some very pretty photos of Lady Gaga in the latest issue of 944. The songstress is on the cover of the mag's "vanguard issue" which highlights her quick but notable career thus far. The article won't reveal anything too surprising to dedicated fans, but the pictures are beautiful. Click the thumbnails to see the larger version.

January 9, 2010

Quick Things 01.10.10

Some quick things to occupy your downtime...

January 8, 2010

VLOG: 2010, Christmas Gifts and Illiteracy

For our first vlog of the year Carolyn and I got together to talk 2010, Christmas Gifts (I give one to Carolyn, she doesn't have one for me) and then Carolyn calls me illiterate. Enjoy!

And just so you know, here is a list of all of the books I read last year.  It's quite extensive.

What's the best gift you got this year? What was the lame-est?

PS - Mom, I really do appreciate the socks and underwear! I'm wearing them right now.

January 7, 2010

6 Things: Victoria Beckham Music Videos

Long gone are the days when the world remembers Victoria Beckham for her musical prowess. Now she is more known for her pin-thin figure, stylish outfits and stud of a husband, David Beckham. And yes, everyone knows that she was 1/5 of the biggest girl group of all time, but not many people outside of the UK know that she had a go at a solo career post-Spice Girls.

Vicky B. had only did one solo album (each of the other girls had at least 2, with Melanie C having 4) before she decided to put away singing for good (she didn't even do a solo on the Spice Girls tour, she only walked the catwalk). So let's take a look at my 6 fave Victoria Beckham solo videos.

Not Such an Innocent Girl

A Mind of Its Own

Out of Your Mind (True Steppers f. Victoria Beckham)

Let Your Head Go (really funny)

This Groove

OK, so Victoria only has 5 solo videos, so here's a clip from her special that should have been a series Victoria Beckham: Coming to America

Do you think Victoria could ever make it back to music, or should she stick to fashion/scowling?

January 6, 2010

Barbie Goes Gaga

First it was My Little Ponies, then it was some paper dolls, but now even Barbie is jumping on the Lady Gaga bandwagon!

In a sign that Gaga's unusual fashion is infiltrating the masses a Beijing-based Barbie enthusiast has crafted mini versions of the singer's most notable looks.  Check these out.

People have a lot of spare time, huh? There are a TON more photos of the artists Flikr page if you're interested.

January 5, 2010

The Ru-Mix: Wait 'Til You See My Smile

Good afternoon! Please enjoy this little emotional mix of jams in the latest version of The Ru-Mix.

Wait 'Til You See My Smile

Sade is back with an almost martial sound, Paloma Faith gives us epic-ness, Alicia Keys will help you through despair, Adam Lambert shows us what all the fuss REALLY should be about, Jay Sean's stripped down vocals showcase his vulnerability, and Frankmusik unplugged makes you realize that he's one of the best voices to come out of England in quite some time. Finally, what's most exciting is the return of Hot Chip!

Click here to download

Have you liked all of The Ru-Mixes so far? Join the Facebook group!

January 4, 2010

Military Men Defeated By Kelly Ripa

This is why I LOVE the Internet. Can't stress this enough.  Epic fail on Wheel of Fortune tonight and I knew it would be online within a matter of hours.

Tonight I was watching my nightly episode of Wheel where three military dudes were the contestants.  And while they may spend the majority of their time defending our country from the dangers that be, they obviously spend zero amount of time watching daytime television.  The insanity starts at 1:45 into this clip...

The category for the puzzle was "proper names" and the answer was obviously "Regis Philbin and Kelly Ripa." These guys took FOUR incorrect guesses at the puzzle before one guy eventually READ IT ALOUD CORRECTLY.  This was AFTER the guy before him read it out loud INCORRECTLY.  Didn't even read it right...

The first guy said "Philburn,"  and the second guy said "Philman." I will say... two of the guys were denied the correct answer because they pronounced Kelly's Ripa's last name as "Ree-pa" and "Ripe-a".  While the Regis mispronunciations were clearly wrong, is there a rule on Wheel about pronouncing words wrong even if they're up for interpretation (although, c'mon guys...)?  I do think it's a little unfair, but god, I felt like I was watching a Saturday Night Live sketch.  My brain hurts.

The best thing about the whole event was that my dad (who often calls me to gloat after successfully solving the final puzzle) called me 30 seconds after it happened and was laughing hysterically.

TV Uses More Green Screen Than You Might Think

I just finished watching all 5 seasons of Lost this weekend (OMG how excited are you for season 6 to start?!) and found myself wondering how and where they film so much of their outside jungle scenes.  I know it's in Hawaii, but I'd love to know specifics.  Do they really do everything on location, or do they just use some small screen magic to create certain scenes?

The latter is completely possible given that even many shows use green screen technology to enhance even the simplest of scenes.  Check out this cool YouTube clip for some examples.

I find the New York City scenes particularly interesting. Considering that I often see film crews setting up for shoots all over the city I'm kind of surprised at how many shots were actually digitally enhanced.

Man, I love TV.

January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! Goals for 2010

Happy New Year, everyone! Hope you rang in 2010 with a bang!

I'm not really one to make New Year's resolutions, but I am making a few promises to myself in 2010. Hopefully by putting them out in there to the universe I will be forced to stick to them.

What are your goals for 2010? Leave a comment below!